118 Blueleaf Court
Savannah, GA 31410 USA
(912) 897-6439
email: mythago@lavondyss.com
home page: www.lavondyss.com/jody.html
portfolio: www.lavondyss.com/silvermythago.html
version of resume
- Who: Freelance writer, editor, web developer, designer,
photographer, filmmaker, and Internet consultant
- What: Looking for work in writing, journalism, new media,
web site programming/design, content editing, copywriting, information
architecture, graphic design, and/or publishing
I am capable of full-cycle web development from conception to planning
to design to implementation to content. My freelance experience has
enabled me to adopt a hands-on attitude to all aspects of a project.
August 1995 - Present
Freelance Writer/Web Developer/Content Editor, Savannah, Georgia.
- My work includes freelance writing, photography, Internet design/publishing/programming,
and consulting.
- On the Web, I act as editor for the writing collective Rumble
& Woodsmoke, art director for the gallery Mythago,
and senior editor for the magazine Praise
- Recent Internet projects include work for Memorial
Health University Medical Center, Coastal
Georgia Soccer Association (CGSA), Simply
Cedar Rustic Log Furniture, Scott Corkern - Architect, Savannah Friends of Music, W.W.
Law - Unsung Hero, A Documentary Film, the authors Rosemary
Daniell and Susan
Savannah Online and
Morris Media (including
the Savannah
and various real
estate projects).
- I have contributed articles and fiction to Circuit Traces,
Paramour magazine, Silver
Girl Records,
Sensuous Line, and the Calgary Photographic Society.
- I have recently finished a novel, black
love, and am readying it for publication.
- My feature screenplay, Throwaway,
is currently in-production. I am also Casting Director and Assistant
Director for the film.
August 1995 - Present
Visual Landscape Architect, Lavondyss
Productions, Savannah, Georgia.
- Management of Lavondyss, partner with 50% equity in the company.
- Producer, editor, project manager, and creative director for
the Lavondyss web site.
May 2000 - July 2001
Webmaster, Memorial
Health University Medical Center, Savannah, Georgia.
- Project Manager and chief developer for Memorial's
Internet presence.
- Designed the look and feel for Memorial's various Internet and
Intranet web projects.
- Programmed and designed dynamic database solutions for hospital
information, including content management and website interactivity.
- Developed an information architecture of form, function, metaphor,
navigation and interface, interaction, and visual design. The architecture
simplified the management and organization of Memorial's Internet
and Intranet content.
- Participated in the early development of a physician web portal
for patient information.
February 1992 - August 1995
Vice-President for Development, SABIA Corporation, Ann Arbor,
- Management of SABIA Corporation, including hiring/training/supervising
of staff, marketing, and software design.
- Specialized in the development and implementation of computer-based
solutions that solve information problems encountered by large-scale
business and social institutions.
- Installed software within a client's organizational culture,
including training, excellent user manuals, and comprehensive technical
- Partner with one-third equity in the company.
- College University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
- Major - Computer Engineering
- Honors - Recipient of four-year, full academic scholarship
- Activities - Contributing writer to the Barbaric Yawp,
the English Department's literary journal
- Various Articles (Including the Naked vs. the Nude), Sensuous
Line (Fall 1997-Spring 1998)
- Silvergirl Moon, Mod
Magazine, Silver Girl Records (Spring 1997)
- Boots, Paramour Magazine Volume 3, Issue
4 (1996)
- A Dance in the Light, Paramour Magazine
Volume 3, Issue 3 (1996)
- Soundz, Burning Down the House-music review, Circuit
Traces (Jan-Feb 1996)
- Skinkiss, Calgary Photographic Society (December
- Various Stories & Articles, Lavondyss
Productions (1995-2003)
- Visit My Design Page for
a Visual Representation of My Work

- Lavondyss Productions: www.lavondyss.com
Web design and artist showcase site. (1995-2005)
- Simply Cedar - Rustic Log Furniture: www.simply-cedar.com An
e-commerce website of handcrafted quality rustic
log furniture,
that integrates with PayPal for its shopping cart and transactions.
- Memorial Health University Medical Center: www.memorialhealth.com
An informational and interactive health and medical center website
designed with dynamic and static content. (2000-2003)
- CGSA - Coastal Georgia Soccer Association: www.cgsasoccer.org
Savannah's leader and principal promoter of youth
soccer in the
greater Savannah area. (2003-2005)
- Meryl Truett Photography: www.meryltruett.com
Photographer biography, gallery, information. (2004-2005)
- The Cottages at Turner's Creek: www.TheCottagesAtTurnersCreek.com Information
about a Savannah Rowhouse designed condominium available for island
living in Savannah, Georgia, through Re/Max real estate agent Cheryl
Klein. (2004-2005)
- Peter's Quay: www.petersquay.com
Information about a subdivision & homes available on Wilmington
Island in Savannah, through Re/Max real estate agent Cheryl
Klein. (2004)
- Rosemary Daniell: www.myzonarosa.com
Author biography/information. (1999-2005)
- Susan B. Johnson: www.susanbjohnson.com
Author biography/information. (2003-2005)
- Throwaway: www.lavondyss.com/throwaway
An independent feature film. (2002-2004)
- Genetic Terror: www.lavondyss.com/genetic-terror
An independent feature film. (2004)
- W.W. Law - Unsung Hero: www.wwlawdocumentary.com
A documentary film about W.W. Law, a Savannah resident, postman,
and civil rights leader. (2002)
- EcstasyData.org: www.ecstasydata.org
Laboratory database made publicly available to help harm reduction
organizations, medical personnel, and researchers. (2001)
- Rumble & Woodsmoke: www.lavondyss.com/writings/madness.html
Writing collective. (1995-2005)
- Mythago Gallery: www.lavondyss.com/gallery/mythago.html
Photographic gallery. (1995-2005)
- Praise Bob: www.lavondyss.com/zines/praise.html
On-line magazine. (1995-2003)
- Savannah Pennysaver: www.southeastpennysaver.com
Online classified ads. (1997-1998)
- Savannah Area Real Estate: www.savannah-online.com/estate.asp
Real estate listings. (1997-1998)
- Hyatt Regency, Savannah: www.savannah-online.com/hyatt/
Hotel information and services. (1997)
- Bodyscapes Phototours: www.lavondyss.com/bodyscapes/
Company profile and gallery. (1996-2005)
- Software Knowledge
Various word processors (Microsoft Word, Word Perfect), spreadsheets
(Excel, Lotus), MS Office, desktop publishing (Corel Draw, PageMaker,
Ventura, Quark Express), image tools (Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop
Pro, Corel Suite, Adobe Illustrator), expert systems, networks (Windows
Networking, Microsoft NT, Novell, UNIX, Internet), communications
(Internet, email, chat, IM), programming environments (Visual FoxPro,
C, C++, Pascal, BASIC, Clipper, xBASE, Filemaker Pro, LISP, Visual
Basic, Access, Visual C++), as well as numerous World Wide Web/Internet
technologies (Dreamweaver, Allaire HomeSite, native HTML coding,
Netscape, Microsoft Explorer, FTP, PGP, Java, Javascript, VBScript,
server side programming (ASP, PHP, and Cold Fusion), Internet databases
(Access, SQL Server, MySQL), dynamic content development and management,
Macromedia Flash, Quicktime, MP3, Real Audio, Film/Video Editing
(Adobe Premiere and Avid Xpress DV), DVD Authoring (Adobe Encore)
- Operating Systems
Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 3.1,
DOS, Macintosh, UNIX
- Strong expository writing, editing, copywriting, technical writing,
and word processing skills.
- Reading, art, music, traveling, friends, life.

References available upon request