TABLE OF CONTENTSForeword to the HTML Edition
- by Forbidden Donut
A Brief History of Psychedelics - From the Creation of Gods to the Demise of Psychedelic Reverence in Modern Times Psychedelic Safety - Understanding the Tools I - Traditional PsychedelicsLSD - Molecule of PerfectionPsilocybin Mushrooms - The Extraterrestrial Infiltration of Earth? Mescaline: Peyote & San Pedro Cactus - Shamanic Sacraments II - EmpathogensEcstasy - The Heart Opening Psychedelic2C-B - The Erotic Empathogen III - Exotic Highs of a ConnoisseurDMT - Candy for the MindHarmala Alkaloids - Link to the Ancient Spirits Ketamine - The Ultimate Psychedelic Journey Multiple Combinations - Cosmic Synergism Further Explorations - Where do we go from Here? DMT ~ Water Spirit - A Magical Link Psychedelic Reality - CydelikSpace Purchasing The Essential Psychedelic Guide